Boolean Labs

Boolean Labs


Boolean Labs is a web3 and AI venture studio. We build new tech companies in web3 and AI from scratch by pairing ideas with experienced operators and providing the capital they need to grow and scale.

Boolean Labs is a collaboration between Diagram Ventures, a $350M venture studio based out of Montreal, and StreamingFast, a team of web3 and AI builders, investors, and core developers of The Graph protocol.



> Web3 product analytics platform

> Raised $4m seed in 2023 led by Diagram with participation from StreamingFast, Sfermion, Sparkle, Big Brain, Fenbushi, and Builder Capital > Raised $8m seed in 2024 led by Pantera


> Stablecoin infrastructure for cross-border payments in emerging markets

> Raised $17m seed in 2021, with participation from Portage, Gemini, Gradient, Jump, and others

Katara > LLMs to power software for DevX teams in Web3 and beyond Axle Automation > LLMs to power software for Compliance teams in fintech, crypto, and financial services

> Raised $2.5m seed in 2024, with participation from Uphonest Capital and Mistral


> LLMs to power software for Logistics Service Providers


tw / li / Mathieu Boulianne

tw / li / Alexandre Bourget

tw / li / Matthieu Di Mercurio

tw / li / Julian Cassis

tw / li / Ken Nguyen

tw / li / Brian Canty

tw / li / Michael Das

tw / li / JT Seigfreid

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